Large Building Construction - 2 Things To Do Before Renting A Crane


If you own a construction business, then you probably have a variety of skid steers, front loaders, bulldozers, and dump trucks that you and your employees use on a regular basis. This type of construction equipment is appropriate for ground level work. If your business is hired for the construction of a tall or expansive building, then your equipment may not be suitable to elevate steel beams and other materials. This can cause difficulties during the building process. A crane can assist you with your needs, and you can rent one of these devices instead of buying one. Before you start the rental process, consider the following things.

Inspect Your Insurance Coverage

If you have owned your construction business for some time, then you probably have general business liability insurance coverage. Due to the dangers faced by your workers on a daily basis, your coverage is probably substantial. Your insurance covers medical bills associated with injuries and it also covers the cost of materials that are damaged or stolen on the work site. The property owner probably has insurance coverage as well that helps to prevent losses if a fire, flood, or wind storm causes damage while work is being completed.

The insurance you have is likely suitable for small building construction, but it may not be enough if you rent a crane. Cranes increase both damage and injury risks due to the presence of the large device and the elevation of heavy objects. In fact, you may not even be able to rent a crane unless you have insurance that will cover the cost of the crane and injuries that may occur when it is in use. Crane operators can sometimes be hired by the rental company when you receive the equipment to reduce risks, but you will still need to increase your insurance coverage.

Adding Extra Protection

It may be difficult to determine how much extra insurance coverage you will need when a crane is used on your construction site. To help with excess liability, consider buying an umbrella insurance policy. This type of coverage will protect you from damages and medical costs that exceed the expenses that are covered by your basic type of insurance.  

Make sure the policy goes into effect before the crane arrives on your construction site. Also, umbrella policies generally have a set coverage limit. Speak with your insurance agent so you know that both policies will completely cover you.

Make Sure Ground is Stable

As the business owner who is responsible for the construction site, you must make sure that the work area is properly prepared for the use of a crane. Cranes require special spaces to work properly. The ground on the work site must be graded properly so the piece of equipment can remain completely level. This is necessary to reduce tipping concerns.  

The area also must withstand the weight of the crane. Cranes, like other pieces of large equipment, weigh several tons. The cranes will also pick up several ton loads that can place a large amount of stress on the ground underneath the device.

Arrange for a Site Analysis

A site analysis was more than likely completed before any work was started on the construction site. If you have cleared dirt, debris, trees, or old buildings from the area, then it is wise to have another site analysis completed. This time, ask the structural engineer to determine the load bearing capacity of the land around your work site where you are considering placing the rental crane. Use this information, along with the data collected during the initial analysis, to figure out where the crane can be safely secured and moved during construction.

If your construction business has been hired to erect an office building or other tall structure, then you may need a crane on your work site. You can rent a crane instead of buying one, but you need to make sure that you prepare for the rental beforehand. For more information, contact a local crane rental company. 


17 March 2015

Renting The Right Equipment For Your Project

As a new homeowner, I remember looking at my landscaping and wishing for better things. In an effort to make the area beautiful, I borrowed a tractor from my friend and started moving land around. Unfortunately, since I didn't know what I was doing, the job took me a lot longer than it should have. Unfortunately, my mistakes also led to me having to hire someone else to finish the job. The goal of my site is to teach you how to rent the right equipment and tools for your next DIY project. You never know what you will want to tackle, but by using the right tool, everything will be more manageable.